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Foolish Feast #8 – Weight-lifting Tofu

The Foolish Couple 0

Every year, we come up with a Couple’s Fun Goal for the year, something that we will participate together, where we’ll spend some quality time together, just the 2 of us.Last year, we took 52 sunset photos, all at different places, all gorgeous, beautiful and breath-taking.This year, we vowed to cook 12 meals together. But not just any meals. That’d be not be ‘foolish’ enough for us.We chose to use 1 ingredient, 2 of us as chefs, and 3 courses. We’ve used luxurious ingredients, like prawns and lobster. We’ve also used simple ingredients, like eggs. Sometimes we chose fruits and vegetables, like cauliflowers, tomatoes, melons, and…Last time, we used stone fruits as the main ingredient.Tonight, we use Tofu as our main ingredient.Tofu is an important ingredient in Asian culture. Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and others uses tofu as a source of protein. Tofu is also versatile, they can be boiled, baked, scrambled, deep fried. They come in soft and firm textures, suitable for Asian and western cuisine.This time, on the menu are:1. grilled marinated tofu salad2. kimchi tofu stew3. tofu puddingPreparing the tofu is quite simple.If you plan to grill / fry the tofu, make sure the tofu is dry enough before cooking. The simple way to do it is to put the tofu to do some weight-lifting exercises:The results? Yummy, yummy vegetarian dinner:Marinated tofu, Pressed and grilled, with salad:Spicy kimchi tofu stew, awesomely delicious and good probiotics:to top it all off, tofu pudding with strawberry sauce:Bam! tofu feast. Done.*P.S: we love to eat, but we don’t normally cook a lot. So these foolish feasts are special to us. For more ‘foolish’ feast ideas, or curious of our A-Z restaurant challenge? Follow us here at