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Posts tagged as “love”

How to Find Peace in Christmas times

The Foolish Couple 0

How to Find Peace in Christmas Times? –A Foolish Couple BlogChristmas is a season of fun and love and everything merry. It is also a holiday that I looked forward to all year long. I love the festivities, the shopping, the food, spending time with family, partying with friends. It makes me feel happy and loved.But Christmas is also stressful.There’re people everywhere. At restaurants, grocery stores, shopping malls, banks, post office. Everyone seems to have a never-ending list of to-do’s just for Christmas.And the task list is horrendously long. Presents to buy, gifts to wrap, meals to plan, invitations to send, house that requires cleaning every day, friends to meet, office parties to attend. The list goes on and on and on.If you decide to travel, then you also have to deal with airport crowds, flight delays, travel plan changes due to weather, packing, unpacking, time difference and jet lag.It can be overwhelming.There seems to be no time left. No breathing space. No down time.And, most importantly, no time to focus on that one person that really matters to you.We got so busy and overwhelmed that we forgot to spend some quality time with our life partner.So, every year, before the Christmas madness rolls in, we spend a night together to ‘Celebrate Christmas’. Just the 2 of us.The night is intimate, peaceful, quiet, which is exactly what we want.We choose the restaurant, the menu, the activities. We get to be served, fed, without any hassles.This year, we chose to go to a local, casual fine dining restaurant with Swedish influence. Hult’s.Hult’s celebrate Christmas the Swedish way. We opted for their ‘JulBord’ – which is the Swedish Christmas smorgasbord. A layout of sumptuous Swedish delights, from cheeses, breads, to herrings, cold cuts. And, of course, Swedish meatballs.We even got a complimentary glass of Glogg – a Swedish warm cider that would ‘instantly’ warm you up.Food was delicious. Service was attentive. Patrons were all enjoying their early Christmas celebration.So are we.We had a wonderful time.What about you? Do you have any special occasions planned with your loved one? It’s not too late to plan a pre-Christmas date!We wish you a very Happy, Fun and Fulfilling Christmas!–The Foolish CoupleFor more on relationship success and couplepreneurship, visit us at www.TheFoolishCouple.comFollow us at